Friday, June 22, 2007

Conference Highlights and Heading back to Belgium

Last night I slept well ;-)

I'm currently waiting in Atlanta together with a lot of other ODTUG participants.

My overall impressions of Daytona Beach and the conference are positive.

Last year it was my first time in the States. At that time I didn't know what to expect and the whole experience was unbelievable. After that conference I went to other conferences in the States, like Collaborate and Open World and I think I'm getting partially used to it. Although the States are still "big" and impressive, but I suppose I already expect the most unbelievable things.

At every conference I learned something new, not only technical but also personal. Nevertheless, my biggest interest for doing theses conferences is networking. Putting some faces on the people you see on the internet or just talking to each other in real life.

My highlights (top 5) for this conference where:
  1. Meeting Patrick Wolf in real life and hanging out together
  2. Seeing Daytona Beach (the Nascar and the Ocean)
  3. Giving my first presentation at ODTUG
  4. Talking and having drinks with some of the Oracle APEX development team
  5. Meet the other APEX fans and Oracle bloggers
Thank you ODTUG, Daytona and all you, nice people...


  1. Hi Dimitri,

    Nice meeting you in person and yes it was a great conference.

    By the way please start your weekly forum update again. The vacation has been long enough now :-)

  2. Hi Peter,

    Nice to meet you too.

    I'll try to do the weekly Forum wrap-up from next week again. As you can imagine, the last weeks were hectic ;-)


  3. Dimitri,
    now we can all get back to work ;-)

    It was so cool to meet all these guys over there and shake hands and share thoughts.


  4. Oh, and I forgot to put in the highlights: "My first Podcast"

    Thanks Lewis for the nice interview!

