Saturday, June 16, 2007

ODTUG Day -1: First pictures from Daytona Beach

I finally arrived at Daytona Beach after 20h of travel time.

It was already late in the evening. After having walked a bit down the street, to stretch my legs after only have been sitting down, I went to bed.

I couldn't sleep that well. Around 5 o'clock I woke up again. John was online, so we had a quick chat.

I'm staying in the Plaza hotel only for one night because there were no more rooms for today. From Monday onwards I'm staying in the Hilton, where Kaleidoscope is taking place.

It's still early but I thought to take some first pics ;-) The early morning in Daytona Beach...

A picture from my balcony at 6:30 am: left the land view and on the right the ocean view.

I wonder what that "boll building" is on the land view?

1 comment:

  1. That's your typical US water-tower.

