Monday, March 10, 2008

Eurovision Song Contest 2008 will be fun

In Belgium we had the last weeks the elections for our sending to the Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrado.

We had quiet some non-typical Eurovision songs this year. The song that the Belgium people voted for is "O Julissi Na Jalini" from Ishtar.

I wonder what the rest of the world thinks about it?

If I see what Ireland send in, we might have a chance! A singing Turkey...


  1. Belgium/Belgique: one point.

  2. Add Spain to the list...

    Funny but terrible!!

  3. Ah Yes, Ireland has won the contest so many times, It doesn't care anymore. Aftre getting 0 points last year, its bound to be an improvement.

    You have to now play to the public so I can see Dustin (The Turkey) doing a Tour of Europe

  4. kajajaja españa quedo en el lugar 16! increible la verdad para la mierda de cancion que hemos llevado xDDDDD Paris
