Monday, April 06, 2009

My participation in ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2009

John Scott, Scott Spendolini, Patrick Wolf and myself prepared a really good APEX agenda for Kaleidoscope 2009. It will be the biggest APEX event so far! If you are quick you can still profit from the early bird registration.

The plan was I would also do a couple of presentations and some Panel discussions, but with pain in the heart I need to announce now I won't be able to join you for ODTUG 2009 in Monterey. I tried to postpone the decision as long as I could but it's not realistic to wait longer...

My wife is giving birth in the beginning of July and the risk to miss that is too high, especially because Belgium is so far away. Next to that it would be too hard for my wife to stay alone with our son.

So I'm a bit sad I'll miss ODTUG this year especially as I love ODTUG and APEX so much! I always like to meet all the people I meet on the internet. But I comfort myself I'll meet some of you at IOUG Collaborate in May or Oracle Open World in October this year... and I'm sure ODTUG next year will work further on the success of this year!

To be honest it was a really hard decision for me, but when I saw the below picture I knew there was only one right decision... I hope you understand.


  1. Congratulations!
    Too bad you're not coming to ODTUG, but that's a minor detail.

  2. We'll miss you, but you have your priorities right!


  3. Dimi,

    I had to make the exact same decision in 2005. My son was born the Monday of conference week. You're making the right call. There are some things (not many) that are more important than ApEx

    See you at OOW,


  4. It looks like an excellent reason to be honest.

    Congratulations Dimitri!


  5. Dimitri, it was the right decision!

    Cu at OOW

  6. I missed two OOWs for my kids, and yes, it's totally the right call! Best of luck!

    - Scott -

  7. Congrats :-)

    And I agree, you are making the right call. No-one should miss the birth of his child.


  8. Dimitri,

    You made the right decision. Congratulations!


  9. Congrats Dimitri!!!
    we sure will miss you, hope to catch up at OOW 2009.


  10. Congratulations Dimitri !

    See you a OOW or at Collaborate 09.

  11. Congratulations! Life is far more important. Best wishes to all - we'll be thinking of you. See you at Collab.
