Monday, June 22, 2009

Thank you for the award

Next to the two APEX surprises yesterday I got a personal surprise from the ODTUG front today. It made me happy, proud, smile ...

I got the "Best Speaker Award" for content and topic.

I knew I was nominated and somewhere in the top 5, but I didn't dream of winning it! Of course I would like to thank the whole APEX community, ODTUG and all the people at the conference.

The twitter stream at the ODTUG conference is going well. I'm now following two APEX presentations at the same time as people in both rooms twitter ;-) I really wish I could see Scott Spadafore do his security presentation. "He's the man", as Carl would have said.


  1. Congrats Dimitri, wel deserved.


  2. Hi Dimitri,

    Congratulations! Excellent job presenting last year!


  3. Way to go, Dimitri. This conference is the best. It's just disappointing that you couldn't make it! But you certainly had a good reason. Best regards, Bill
