Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sumneva Live!

Early this morning we turned the switch on our site with the message that APEX Evangelists will join forces with Sumner Technologies in a new company called Sumneva.

The four of us will all be directors of this new company. While Doug and Scott will focus more on the US market, John and I will take care of EMEA. Having said that, in a lot of occasions we will work together. The first result of that is all training material will be the same. If you go to the new Sumneva website you'll find a complete set of APEX trainings available to you. From Beginner over Intermediate to Advanced. The next training dates in the US and Europe are already listed!

Next to the training, we'll work together on some clients to provide them with APEX Support the clock round. Although we have many US customers, for a European company it wasn't always easy to get somebody onsite, so now that is solved as well.

We have many more ideas and with the four of us, together with the people we work with we are just stronger in numbers and minds ;-) All of us have specific expertise which we can now leverage when needed.

In the meantime have a look at our new site and feel free to give any comments...


  1. Hi Dimitri,

    Congrats on the merger!


  2. Buzz Killington1/27/2010 5:39 PM

    Congrats! I had to laugh at the directors part though - everyone knows successful companies have 4 CEO's =)

  3. Congrats - Hope it goes well for you

  4. Congrats. You guys will be like the Microsoft of the Apex world!

    Here's hoping you only use your powers for good, not evil! ;-)

    Hmm, maybe you'll be more like Bell Labs, having all that brain power but not trying to take over the market???

  5. Congratulations Dimitri.
    - Neelesh

  6. All the best with the new company, to the four of you :) Site looks nice!
