Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Importing APEX Team Development Feedback from TEST to DEV (on same instance)

One of the great features in APEX is Team Development. It was introduced in APEX 4.0 and I already blogged about it before, so if you don't know what it is, have a look at my previous post first.

This post is about exporting the feedback from your other environments (TEST, ACC, PROD, ...) back into Development. It's a lot easier to have everything in one Team Development environment (typically DEV) for an application / workspace, so you need a way to get the feedback from the other environments feed into your development environment.

When you connect to your TEST environment, you can export the feedback through the normal export wizard in APEX (the wizard is the same to import/export apps, but then with the feedback tab):

Once you have your feedback exported to a sql file, you can connect to your development environment and import the feedback:

This goes well as long as you're importing from a different APEX instance than what you exported from.
In case you are running your TEST environment on the same database (and APEX instance) as your development instance, when you try to import the feedback you might get following error:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_FEEDBACK_PK) violated

It's a known limitation of APEX. The way to get around it is to export the feedback from TEST to a file (see first step), purge the data in that environment (TEST) and after that you can import it in your DEV environment.

You find the Purge Data under Team Development - Utilities (Team Actions on the right side):

Here you can purge the feedback (or other entries):

The import will work fine in your DEV environment. But be careful you are in the right environment, because once you purged the feedback in one environment you can't import it anymore in that environment. When you try doing that, you get following error:

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