Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Make even more of UKOUG Tech15: APEX 5.0 UI Training - Dec 10th in Birmingham

APEX 5.0 has been released this spring. People who have already spent some time on this new version know this version is packed with new features aimed to make APEX developers even more productive, like the Page Designer.
Another striking new subset of features is aimed at creating better looking user interfaces for your APEX applications in an easy and maintainable way. 
The definition of user interface components in APEX 5.0 is very different to what we're used to. For example there is a new Universal Theme with Template Options and a Theme Roller. To get you up and running with this new toolset as quickly as possible, Dimitri Gielis of APEX R&D and Roel Hartman of APEX Consulting have joined forces and set up a one day course fully aimed at APEX 5.0 UI. So if you want to know not only how to use the new Theme, but also how to modify it to fit your needs, this is the event you should attend!

The training will be at the Jury’s Inn in Birmingham (UK) on Thursday Dec 10 - so conveniently immediately after the UKOUG Tech15 conference.
More information and registration see www.apextraining.eu

If you are from another country and think this training should be available in your country as well, please contact us - then we'll see what we can do!

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