Thursday, December 21, 2017

Visual Studio Code Extensions I use

In my post List of the tools I use and why I use them I already mentioned I use Visual Studio Code as my main editor. Before I used different editors, but VSC replaced them all (core + extensions), so it's easier for me to just use one editor. Next to that, VSC is controlled by a company, gets monthly updates and there's a huge community behind it that provide extensions.

Here's a screenshot of the updates in version 1.19

These are the extensions I've installed:

If you want to search for those extensions this list might be easier:
  • DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint
  • DotJoshJohnson.xml
  • HookyQR.minify
  • PKief.material-icon-theme
  • PeterJausovec.vscode-docker
  • Shan.code-settings-sync
  • alefragnani.project-manager
  • anseki.vscode-color
  • apng.orclapex-autocomplete
  • buianhthang.xml2json
  • christian-kohler.npm-intellisense
  • christian-kohler.path-intellisense
  • dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
  • donjayamanne.githistory
  • eamodio.gitlens
  • eg2.vscode-npm-script
  • formulahendry.code-runner
  • gerane.Theme-Blackboard
  • kisstkondoros.vscode-codemetrics
  • mdickin.markdown-shortcuts
  • ms-vscode.Theme-MarkdownKit
  • ms-vscode.wordcount
  • msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome
  • nodesource.vscode-for-node-js-development-pack
  • rafaelmaiolla.remote-vscode
  • robertohuertasm.vscode-icons
  • streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
  • wix.vscode-import-cost
  • xyz.plsql-language
If you install the Shell Command Line of VSC you can get the list of extensions by typing: code --list-extensions

In the Oracle APEX community many people are using Visual Studio Code, you can read a nice article of Morten; Using VS Code for PL/SQL development and Christope; Compile PL/SQL with VS Code using SSH. Adrian also created a nice extension for Oracle APEX. I highlighted the two extensions above.

Other editors that are often being used by Oracle APEX developers are Sublime Text and Atom, which have similar features than VSC, so if you read something nice that those editors can do, you can do it in Visual Studio Code most likely too e.g. Jorge's excellent post about Multi-Cursor Editing or Martin's truth about developing with Atom.

Just as a reminder for myself, As there were too many extensions to fit on one screen, I took two screenshots and glued the files together with following command:
convert -append vscode_1.png vscode_2.png vscode_extensions.png
If you wanted to glue them horizontally, you can use +append (I'm on a Mac).


  1. Hi Dimitri,

    I'm also very interested in VS Code so glad you took time to share with us.

    I didn't recognize an extension for jQuery Intellisense. Are you using something for this? As I'm still in the "Hello World" phase of getting started with VS Code, and I'm sure many others are as well, it would great to have a follow up hon a tutorial for getting configured for APEX development.

    Thanks again for all the great info.


  2. Thanks for you efforts, as for Project Manager, you can just use the default "CTRL+R" (on windows) to jump between projects, if you want to open it on new window, use "CTRL+R" then "CTRL+ENTER" it will open it on new window, except that you don't have a way to name them as projects, yet you have to follow the folder name as the title. Again, thanks for your video! :)

  3. 18 months on, do you have any updates on this / new favourites / etc?

  4. Hello, thanks for great info. I am interested in VS code and APEX development.
