Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Apply APEX 4.1.1 Patch Set

Yesterday APEX 4.1.1 Patch set was made public. If you already have APEX 4.1 installed you can download patch number 13331096 from My Oracle Support.

If you are on a previous version of APEX you can download the complete install of APEX 4.1.1 from OTN.

I installed the patch today on my APEX 4.1 instances and it installed without a problem. It took not more than 5 minutes to complete the entire patch.

Two things to look for when you copy the images folder
- for Apache on Linux I used this command:
cp -rf patch/images /u01/ohs/apex/ (so without images folder)
- for the APEX Listener I used this command:
cp -rf patch/images/* /u01/app/glassfish3/glassfish/domain1/docroot/i (so without images folder)

When I first did the copy it included another images folder. If you go to your images folder and go into the themes folder you should find the new theme 24 folder. If you find it, than everything is copied ok.

Which brings me to; there is a new theme in APEX 4.1.1. Theme 24, the "cloudy" theme! This theme looks very nice and more 2012 (bigger fonts etc).
It would be great if Oracle would setup an official theme repository, like they did for plugins. Designing nice looking sites takes time and the web design "trends" change fast.

There was one other catch after applying the patch; some workspaces weren't accessible anymore. I got this error:

Workspace "" is inactive. Contact your administrator.
Contact your application administrator.

This was due to the way I created some of those workspaces in APEX 4.1.
Instead of going through the wizard I used the API to create the workspace:

  p_workspace_id       => v_workspace_id,
  p_workspace          => v_workspace,
  p_primary_schema     => v_primary_schema,
  p_additional_schemas => v_additional_schemas);

This worked fine before, but after applying the patch if you didn't run:


It doesn't work. Thanks to the APEX development team to diagnose the cause so quickly and come up with the solution. Patrick Wolf posted a script to fix any workspaces you may have with that issue.

Also don't forget to read about some possible changes of behaviour (depending compatibility setting) in the patch notes:
  • Changes in Page and Region Caching
  • Columns Used in Automatic Row Processing (DML) Processes
I definitely think it's good to apply this patch. I already applied some one off patches before for the urgent issues I was facing, but having this patch set brings you immediately to the latest and greatest!


  1. Matthias Hoys3/05/2012 1:31 PM

    Hello Dimitri,

    How did you deploy APEX under GlassFish? Did you add the application directly to the domain admin server, or did you create a separate standalone instance for APEX? Do you perhaps have any other tips for the management of APEX under GlassFish?

    Matthias Hoys

  2. Hi Matthias,

    Have a look at the installation guide of the APEX Listener. All steps are well explained there. See
    (look for installation guide link)

    Hope that helps,

  3. Matthias Hoys3/05/2012 2:02 PM

    Hello Dimitri,

    Yes, I followed that installation guide. However, it doesn't say whether you should use the domain admin server or create a separate standonline instance for APEX deployments. The GlassFish deployment guide recommends to create a separate standalone instance for the deployment of applications for production use. You can then even turn the admin server off. I also answered my question on the APEX listener OTN forum but I didn't receive a clear answer yet.

  4. hola Dimitri he intentado bajar este programa y no lo consigo...alguna direccion donde lo pueda conseguir por favor?

  5. Matthias,

    I just use the standard domain.

    Hope that helps,
