Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Overview APEX -> EBS, next EBS -> APEX

In the previous posts I mainly focussed on getting information out of E-Business Suite and use it in my APEX application. This is especially useful for people using APEX.

Visually I see it like this:

Here is a complete overview of those posts:

  • Calling EBS Webservices from APEX
  • Using EBS Open Interface from APEX
  • Debugging EBS API calls in APEX
  • Updating EBS data from APEX using Triggers and APIs (3)
  • Creating EBS data from APEX using APIs (2)
  • Updating EBS data from APEX using APIs (1)
  • Querying EBS data from APEX using Views
  • E-Business Suite and APEX integration (overview)
  • E-Business Suite and APEX installation

  • I can imagine that people coming from the E-Business Suite are not that interested in creating stand-alone APEX applications, but they are more into creating an APEX page to extend EBS. They want to be in EBS, and in the menu some links will just open up some APEX pages. They want to see the information that is relevant at that time and have a seamless integration (so no extra logins etc).

    I visualise that flow like this:

    We can obviously use many of the techniques described in the other posts, but how does the authentication, authorisation etc work? Most of that is described in the Oracle white paper with a good example (starting at page 11). I might do some extra blog posts about that integration, but it will be in line with the white paper.


    1. Hi Dimitri
      Did you get this working with Apex 4.1? The Oracle samples work with Apex 3.2, and the screens for Authentication Schemes changed totally. I cannot map where the different fields should go to.
      Thanks - hopefully you can assist.

    2. Hello,

      Yes I used APEX 4.1...

      Not sure with what you mean by Authentication Schemes changed totally?
      You can go to Shared Components > Authentication.

      You can also download the sample application from the white paper and import it into APEX 4.1 and everything should be done for you.

      Hope that helps,

    3. Hi:

      Was wondering if you were able to get the Apex -> EBS integration working as per this whitepaper? : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/apex-ebs-wp-cabot-consulting-169064.pdf

      I'm struggling with it myself, as I would like to have the users authenticated once when they login to EBS, and not require them to sign in again.

      Thanks any advice/tips appreciated!

    4. You can use SSO for that, or I know Popay uses their own function to login automatically without SSO.

    5. Hi,
      I am an experienced eBS professsional and started to use APEX as a customization tool (along with OAF) in order to leverage PL/SQL skills.

      I described briefly on this link how eBS and APEX have beed integrated for a specific customer.

      Happy reading,


    6. Hi Dimitri,

      I have a problem with EBS integration, I have some reports that want to be opened by a link on EBS responsibility and when open it since the EBS main menu the link is succes but, when I open the JAVA menu it doesn't display.

      Have you ever seen some like that?

      I hope you could help me.

