A few months ago we (APEX Evangelists) launched the APEX Challenge, a weekly quiz where you get a question about Oracle Application Express. Next to the fun of answering the questions and see your rank, you will hopefully learn something.

Before you always had to go to the PL/SQL Challenge and take the APEX quiz from there, which you can still do, but now we enabled http://www.apex-challenge.com too.
We also have the apexquiz.com domain, so my question now is: which domain do you like most?
- stay at plsqlchallenge.com
- go to apex-challenge.com
- go to apexquiz.com
Tell us what you like... In a few weeks we will redirect the domain permanently.
If you have suggestions to make the APEX challenge/quiz better, please share with us too.
Thanks so much.
I vote apex-challenge.com - it's a good brand :)
why don't you use all three of them and then communicate with apex-challenge.com?
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